
LG Foundations

우리나라 백년대계에 보탬이 되는 사회복리를 추구합니다

LG의 사회공헌 활동은 언제나 '고객을 위한 가치 창조'와 '인간 존중의 경영'이라는 기업 경영철학을 기반으로 합니다.

  • Yonam Culture Foundation

    Yonam Culture Foundation contributes to the development of arts and culture, and promotes science and technology.

  • Welfare Foundation

    LG Welfare Foundation hopes for a society where we share and care for those in need.

  • Evergreen Foundation

    LG Evergreen Foundation raises awareness about the importance of the environment, and promotes peaceful co-existence between nature and humankind.

  • Yonam Education Foundation

    Yonam Education Foundation cultivates future engineering leaders of Korea.

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